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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Pigture Perfect - Mommy Pig

Will you get DRESSED, already?? We're LATE!

To finish off all these pig dress up posts, here's Mommy Pig.
Mommy Pig doesn't want you to know her birthday or that she is addicted to Diet Coke, but does want you to know she loves all her piggies.

Mommy Pig is a big, squishy, plush pig. She also rolls very easily, as she would roll away while I was making her if I ever turned to grab something. She took up soooo much stuffing. The only parts sewed on were the ears and tail, so it is mostly one piece!


Thanks for all the kind words about these pigs. And wow, that was the first time I consistently posted to all social media for 7 days straight! That takes a lot of effort (how do these craft bloggers do it??)
Have a wonderful day,
The Craftzilla

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